GHS Version Update History from Version 15.50 to 16.00

GHS Version Update History since Version 16.00

Version 16.00A

WAIT BReak was added to break out of macros and run files for keyboard command
entry, resuming control when the Esc key is pressed.  This is similar to WAIT
without BREAK, except commands can be entered while waiting and names of active
macros and non-persistent templates are displayed to help develop and debug
complicated run files.

GROUND /FLOOR now supports floor files with as few as four points surrounding
the vessel.

GROUND /FLOOR was trapping an error for single-point stations and locking the
floor file after "Invalid floor data" errors.

SEAkeeping was not correctly calculating the pitch hydrostatic stiffness
coefficient when the vessel's longitudinal center is not near zero.

Version 16.00B

FSMMT MAX [:Keep] subparameter was added to keep the present load instead of
changing it to the load having maximum free surface moment.

DISPLAY STATUS was incorrectly treating WAVE (SPECTRA) as a TROCHOID
wave instead of as OFF (requires updated CG.EXE).

Version 16.02

SEAkeeping /SUMmary:[Position] [Velocity] [Acceleration] parameter was added
to conclude the seakeeping report with the specified extreme response amplitude
summary tables (or all summaries if just /SUMMARY is present).

SEAkeeping /CONFidence:percent,hours parameter was added to allow computation
of extreme response amplitudes in irregular waves by specifying a confidence
percentage and time interval in hours.  The extreme amplitudes are computed
for all modes and added to the Response Statistics and any Summary tables.

SEAkeeping /GUnit parameter was added to allow accelerations to be returned
in "g" gravitational units instead of current length units.

SEAkeeping /DATA: REsponse subparameter was added to output a Comma-Separated
Values (CSV) data file RESPONSE.DAT recording RAOs, response amplitudes, and
phase angles for vessel CG and all critical points.

SEAkeeping Response Statistics tables now include average response periods
between zero-up-crossings and response peak values.

SEAkeeping updated the formatting of its Response Statistics tables to reflect
the addition of response periods and additional extreme response amplitudes.

SEAkeeping was not correctly computing derived critical point surge and sway
response position amplitudes when the VCG was significantly above or below
the waterline.

VIEW was sometimes omitting the first page header line after a plot and
hanging on lines longer than 4000 characters (requires updated GHSVIEW.EXE).

ENTER PM fitting of a centerline SHAPE into a non-centerline component
was sometimes doubling stations until the geometry is written and re-read
(requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.02A

PTYPE system variable was added to return the type of the current part in the
format shown by the bare TYPE command (empty if multiple parts are selected).

GROUND /FLOOR now traps an error when origin depth is undefined, just like
for non-seafloor ground points.

Version 16.04

RA /LIM was sometimes failing with undefined percentage of Deck Immersion
limit angle for asymmetric vessels having greater freeboard at 15 degrees heel
than when upright.

ENTER PM command SURFACE improved rendering visualization in many cases
(requires updated PM.EXE and SE.EXE).

Version 16.06

ADD and WEIGHT commands added /GYRadius:li,ti,vi[,tv,vl,lt] optional extra
parameters to specify signed product of inertia gyradii around its own CG axes.

STATUS PRoduct [:ALl|TOtal] [:OWn|POint] parameter was added to include
a table showing products of inertia around coupled axes, otherwise behaving
the same as the STATUS INERTIA parameter showing rotational inertia.

GYRADTV, GYRADVL, and GYRADLT system variables were added to return the
square roots of total products of inertia from all weights and tanks around the
indicated CG axes divided by total weight, preserving inertia sign.  Gyradius
variables are undefined unless all tanks are intact or frozen.

VARIABLE /LIST no longer lists time-consuming variables like GMT as undefined.

SOLVE does a better job snapping to 0 trim when valid to do so.

GROUND (n) *, bvar /ACCESS was not always setting bvar to the current buoyant
force of the nth ground point if SOLVE wasn't done after a waterplane change.

STATUS MOMENTS was failing to combine light ship items unless INERTIA
was also specified (since 15.38A only).

ENTER PM centerline paired boxes with positive INBOARD were sometimes
missing their final station when longitudinally close to the origin, affecting
(for example) symmetric rudders with aft origin (since 16.00 only; requires
updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.06A

SEAkeeping was trapping a run-time error for submerged sections with very
small maximum widths.

Version 16.08

MAXVCG was getting spurious UNDEF results in rare cases later in a list of
multiple displacements that would not have occurred running the displacement
by itself.

FSMMT MAX when trapping "Inappropriate tank" was identifying the last listed
item instead of the tank having a problem (such as negative waterplane area).

ENTER PM command CONTENTS was not supporing 12-character quoted contents
descriptions (requires updated PM.EXE).

ENTER PM command DISPLAY was trapping a run-time error when showing points
at unlimited lateral locations due to missing OUTBOARD and FIT statements.

Version 16.08A

MAXVCG /LINEAR now plots straight lines between points to be consistent with
the linear interpolation used in /LOOKUP mode.

SEAkeeping fully supports WAVE (SINusoid) as well as SPECTRA wave forms.

CONTENTS command (in both main program and Part Maker) consistently supports
unquoted double-word descriptions so long as the second word is not numeric.
This matches longstanding behavior for existing contents in the main program
and for the CONTENTS statement in Part Maker CREATE and MODIFY commands.
When numbers are needed in the description or to avoid ambiguity, using quotes
should always work (requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.08B

Help menu added a "SK manual" option to read the SeaKeeping User's Manual
(requires SKMANUAL.PDF).

CONTENTS was trapping "Unknown substance" for * density (since 16.08A only).

ENTER PM command SHELL was sometimes incorrectly affecting the shape at the
deck edge (since 15.84B only; requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.08C

TEMPLATE variable input field numeric verification no longer permits a suffix
other than "%", "s", "p", "a", or "f" after a valid number.

ENTER PM statement SHAPE now allows both component and shape specifications,
so the specified component shape is duplicated, assigned the specified shape
name, and becomes used by the component being created (requires updated PM.EXE).

ENTER PM command SHELL no longer moves points on the centerline transversely.

ENTER PM command SHELL 0 was sometimes removing deck edges (since 16.08B only).

Version 16.10

MAXVCG improved identification of failure cases due to flood points immersed
at equilibrium for floor VCG when FLD angles are present in LIMITS, reporting
the number of the lowest downflooding or weathertight point immersed at EQU.

ENTER PM command MEssage {varname} now displays the value of the named
variable (the same as PMX does; requires updated PM.EXE).

Upgrades of existing program directories by just copying updated files with
no security driver impact and no administrator account requirement are now
performed by default whenever possible by annual update release installers.

SETUPREG utility causes icons to appear with three distinct color schemes for
programs files, geometry files, and run/print files in operating system lists
while registering file associations for standard GHS extensions.  Note that
INSTALL, REINSTALL, etc. automatically run this utility during installation
(requires updated SECURITY package).

Version 16.10A

DAMSTAB /SDI421P parameter was added to work the same as the /SDI216P
method except that Required index R is calculated according to MSC.421(98),
also known as the SOLAS 2020 Amendment.  Note: The alternate Sfinal formula
for RO-RO ships is only available in the DAMSTAB2 wizard.

GROUND /FLOOR was incorrectly using 2% instead of 0.2% of the overall length
of the ship as the default maximum penetration when /MAXPEN is omitted.

ADD w /MAX:maxw no longer uses w as the maximum weight when its magnitude
exceeds maxw, instead always using the specified maxw (or trapping an error
if FIRM is included).

CONTENTS [(tanklist)] /COLOR:n now works to change the color used when the
current tank contents are displayed; an error is trapped if the selected tanks
do not all have the same contents.

Version 16.12

ADD /FREE[Lcg][Tcg][Vcg] subparameters apply when /MAX or /FIX is used to
allow changing only LCG, TCG, and/or VCG locations.  Note /FREE by itself
is the same as /FREELTV, and only /FREEV was supported in earlier versions.

SEAkeeping /SAMPles:n[,min,max] optional subparameters were added to sample
wave spectra over the specified minimum to maximum frequency range using a
constant bandwith method; also /SAMP:n performance was improved.

SEAkeeping /DATA:FORCING reports forces and moments per unit wave amplitude.

SEAkeeping improved error handing for /HULL, /SAMP, and /CRT input.

SEAkeeping now only displays Froude number and its characteristic length when
non-zero /SPEED is specified.  Note Froude number is computed based on the
hull waterplane length if defined and non-zero, else on length overall.

SEAkeeping /HEADing:degrees is now valid within the range [-360,360] instead
of [-180,180] to be more consistent with typical seakeeping conventions.

WEIGHT /GYRadius parameter by itself assigns default gyradii to the
Light Ship based on the vessel geometry.  Defaults can also be assigned for
individual gyradii by mixing GF with specified values.  Inertia from any
longitudinal distribution can be used for individual gyradii where * is given.

ADD and WEIGHT parameter /GYRadius:li,ti,vi,tv,vl,lt was trapping an error
for negative product of inertia gyradii (since 16.06 only).

Load Editor in Ground Points mode was showing the wrong sign suffix for
GCR coordinates (since 14.18A only).

Version 16.12A

LOA and WOA system variables were added to return the actual overall vessel
length and width.

SEAkeeping /SPEED:knots was using incorrect speed values (since 16.12 only).

Version 16.14

Load Editor entry of soundings and ullages now ignores any "-" after an
apostrophe instead of subtracting inches from feet and allows inches ending
with a quote mark without an apostrophe.

Load Editor /NOFLood parameter was added to disable flooding tanks by
right-clicking in the Load columns, pressing the F11 key, or entering FL.

ENTER PM command RENDER /WPL:heel,trim,depth was not respecting metric
length units (requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.14A

TEMPLATE /POS:ADJacent subparameter choice was added to align outside
the base window side indicated by the other /POS choices.  For example,
RIGHTTOPADJ is adjacent to the top of the right side, TOPRIGHTADJ to
the right of the top side, RIGHTADJ to the middle of the right side, and ADJ
by itself to the middle of the side with most space to the edge of the screen.

TEMPLATE /HIDE parameter was added to hide all previous program windows
while the dialog is active, but still use them for positioning.

SOLVE sometimes trapped a "stack overflow" run-time error (since 16.12A only).

EXTEND HOPPER now correctly handles geometries with shift vectors (requires
updated GHSX.EXE).

Version 16.14B

TEMPLATE image fields added optional /Width:c parameter to specify the number
of average-size characters for the image width.  Note that an image retains its
original proportions unless both /Height and /Width parameters are included
specifying different proportions.

MESSAGE HEADSTART now replaces any consecutive dashes with spaces for screen
header output.

Version 16.16

Seakeeping Wizard was added to complement the SEAkeeping command, including
short-crested wave analysis and easy-to-use interface for seakeeping setup.

SEAkeeping /DATA:VA subparameter was added to output a CSV data file of
response variance data.

SEAkeeping corrected a sign error in its physical mass matrix, which was
yielding unusual roll and sway RAOs near resonance when the CG was far from
the seakeeping origin.

SEAkeeping was computing incorrect values for WAVE J1 general JONSWAP spectrum.

SEAkeeping added Root-Mean-Square response amplitude to Statistics Table.

WAVE (SPEctra) O6 freq1, hsig1, lambda1, freq2, hsig2, lambda2 defines
an Ochi-Hubble six-parameter two-component wave spectrum using modal frequency
in seconds, significant wave height in current weight units, and shape parameter
for spectral energy concentration around the modal frequency.

WAVE (SPEctra) O1 hsig defines an Ochi-Hubble one-parameter most-probable
significant wave height spectrum for seakeeping analysis.

Version 16.16A

MB module significantly improved ability to solve for mutual equilibrium
for latched interactions where heel stability of the primary vessel depends
on support from a secondary vessel (such as a stabilizing barge).

TEMPLATE /HIDE was hiding the program off the taskbar (since 16.14A only).

Version 16.18

MB module improved penetration of connected points at mutual equilibrium for
ground point interactions.

STATUS SUMMARY alignment and formating were improved for fancy boxed reports.

TEMPLATE /HIDE was sometimes not working properly with non-persistent dialogs
(since 16.14A).

SEAkeeping was omitting the 5th critical point in the Statistics Tables when
exactly five critical points were given.

SEAkeeping now computes responses at default 1 meter wave amplitude (instead
of 1 foot amplitude) when using metric units.

Version 16.18A

MESSAGE REPSTART was unnecessarily displaying "REPSTART" (since 16.12A only).

Version 16.18B

PERM REPORT now shows full 25-character tank descriptions instead of
truncating to 20 characters.

READ (DATA) file without the /Unicode parameter was not working properly for
files starting with a Unicode byte order mark (since 15.52 only).

ENTER PM was deducting port/starboard components from the wrong side
(since 16.18 only; requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.20

ENTER PMX statement ROTATE now fully supports rotations about any axis,
not just the longitudinal axis (requires updated PMX.EXE).

WAIT BREAK no longer hangs when used with SCREEN MIN or TEMPLATE /HIDE,
instead temporarily showing the command window then restoring its hidden
state once control is resumed by pressing the Esc key (since 16.00A only).

Version 16.20A

LIMIT FLOODHT > 0 is now supported, with 1 centimeter used as the effective
minimum limit value divisor when the RA and MAXVCG commands compute limit
margins to avoid division by zero and huge margins for tiny height differences.

RA limit reports now show FAIL instead of UNDEF for limit margin percentages
less than -99 that are not truly undefined.

Version 16.20B

SEAkeeping /SHW:l,t,v|CRT parameter was added to compute the probability
and frequency of "shipping water" deck immersion events either for the point
at specified longitudinal, transverse, and vertical coordinates or for all
seakeeping Critical Points if the CRT subparameter is given.  Probabilites
are computed using the relative motions at each location, and freeboards are
computed as the vertical heights of points above the waterplane.

SEAkeeping /TIME:hours parameter was added to define the time interval in hours
used for computations like /SHW and /CONF; the default is 24 hours.

SEAkeeping /CONFidence:percentage[,hours] final subparameter is now an optional
override for any interval specified by the /TIME parameter.

Version 16.20C

ENTER PM command READ file.FRA was not respecting "M" suffix for locations
in meters instead of default feet (requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.22

SEAkeeping /SLAM[:location|FRA [,velocity]] parameter was added to compute
the slamming probability, frequency, and pressure at a single longitudinal
location or at all frame locations if FRA is specified; the default is the
forward perpendicular, which is required.  The threshold velocity (in ft/sec
or m/sec depending on units) may be specified; if omitted, it is computed
according to the local geometry.  Significant pressure (i.e the average of
the highest tertile of expected pressures) will be returned for all locations,
excluding those within 0.01*LOA of the vessel ends.  Slamming pressure is
computed using a non-dimensional form coefficient k1 computed for each
slamming section using either the basic, Chuang "Wedge", or Ochi 3-Parameter
method, as automatically selected based on the geometry and marked on the
Slamming table using ^ for Chuang, + for Ochi, and no mark for basic.

WAVE (SPEctra) PM wspeed now traps an error if wind speed is too small to
yield meaningful results.

SEAkeeping was yielding exaggerated roll ROAs when VCG was far from the
seakeeping origin due to an inadvertent sign disagreement in a sway-roll
coupling term (since 16.16 only).

SEAkeeping was yielding reduced or increased pitch RAOs at certain headings
when surge was significant and VCG was far from the seakeeping origin due to
a sign disagreement in a surge-pitch coupling term.

Version 16.22A

ENTER PMX statement ROTATE was occasionally creating offbeat stations
(since 16.20 only; requires updated PMX.EXE).

Version 16.24

SEAkeeping /[RMS]SUMmary parameter can start with /RMSSUM to return
RMS responses instead of extreme responses in the summary table.

TITLE identification /BAR parameter was added to show the identification
in the window title bar.  Any surrounding quotes are removed, so they can be
used to prevent enclosed text from being converted to uppercase.

SE Visualize command was not working in Body view (requires updated SE.EXE).

Version 16.26

RA /LIM marks the location of any PRE roll limit angle with "PreRoll" in the
flood height or immersion column of the table and with hair lines in the plot.

SEAkeeping with /RELative, /SHW, and /SLAM parameters was returning
erroneous relative heave RAOs for critical points if the transverse or
longitudinal location was non-zero due to an incorrect update to the wave
number on successive wave components.

TEMPLATE dialogs sometimes trapped an "invalid location" run-time error when
entering non-ASCII text.

ENTER PM command SURFACE improved rendering visualization for doubled shapes
not having their last point on centerline (requires updated PM.EXE and SE.EXE).

ENTER PM command CREATE statement NOREFLECT was added to prevent reflection
of borrowed portside component shapes.

Version 16.26A

PRINT was sometimes flattening plotted curves around the turning point,
especially when very close to the edge of the plot (requires updated PP.EXE).

TORQUE plot was not correctly numbering the arrow pointing to the Buoyancy
Moment curve (since 15.72C only).

TORQUE /THIN parameter was sometimes truncating the table prematurely instead
of being ignored when used with the /FRAME parameter.

ENTER PM command SURFACE added optional OPENENDS parameter to omit
surfaces on the end stations (requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.28

MESSAGE PLOTSTART /POLAR[:axis[,spokes]] parameter was added to start
a polar plot of degrees versus radius, with origin angle at right unless given
the number of axes to rotate in the angle direction (clockwise if negative;
for example, axis 1 puts 0 at top and 90 at left, while axis -1 puts 0 at top
and 90 at right).  The number of radial guide spokes can also be specified
(default=24 for 15 degree increments; requires updated PP.EXE).

MESSAGE PLOTSTART /ROTate and /NOROTate parameters were added to force
plot rotation or non-rotation; by default, non-polar custom plots are rotated
90 degrees to allow more horizontal space for the independent variable.

WAVE (SPECTRA) J1 and J2 forms added optional gamma subparameter to control
the peak enhancement parameter.

WAVE (SPECTRA) J2 period parameter now refers to peak instead of average
period so it matches the peak period used by the BR form.

Version 16.28A

TEMPLATE text fields added optional /Width:c parameter to wrap text to
multiple lines after the given number of average-size characters, preserving
words by breaking at spaces.  This method is used to improve legibility of
lengthy error message boxes in ERROR=-2 mode with an ESC macro defined.

RA reports repeated after TYPE (sail) SET or UNSET changes were sometimes
using old cached heeling moment information from before the sail changes.

LOAD EDIT /CRANE boom elevation input magnitude may now exceed 90 degrees.

SEAkeeping /MSI:l,t,v|CRT parameter was added to computes the Motion
Sickness Incidence (closely based on Bureau Veritas methods) for either the
point at specified longitudinal, transverse, and vertical coordinates or for
all seakeeping Critical Points if the CRT subparameter is given.  Exposure
time defaults to 2 hours unless overriden by the /TIME parameter.

SEAkeeping /SHW:l,t,v parameter was sometimes returning an "Invalid location
parameter" error for valid locations (since 16.22 only).

Version 16.30

Load Editor Sounding (or Ullage) column now shows actual values for all tanks
having a sounding tube line, instead of covering up all sounding values except
on the current tank row.  Loading by sounding still works when entering values
while keeping the cursor in the Sounding column, but fixed soundings entered
into earlier rows are now shown in reverse video with a green background to
distinguish them from sounding values that vary with heel and trim.

LOAD SOunding|ULlage|HEight:value /COnst optional parameter was added to
set the tank list to constant sounding or reference point height mode instead
of normal constant volume mode.  Applies only for INTACT-type tanks loaded
using SOunding, ULlage, or HEight prefix forms; any other form of loading
restores constant volume mode.  Such tanks appear in Load Editor with their
load volume and percentage colored light blue marked with ^ to indicate varying
volume that can go up or down to maintain constant sounding or height.

CC /DRaft optional parameter was added to show drafts instead of displacements
in the cross curve table and plot.

SOLVE was sometimes stopping before finding fully capsized equilibrium
(since 14.24B only).

Version 16.30A

TEMPLATE variable edit field /READonly parameter no longer puts a box
around the variable contents, so it looks similar to static text fields but
with advantages like showing variable changes after persistent macro execution,
wrapping text when the /Height parameter is present, etc.  If a box around the
edit field is wanted, that can be shown by including the /Gray parameter.

PRINT was sometimes failing for files located on a long network drive path
that is not the current directory (since 15.94B only; requires updated PP.EXE).

Command slash parameters separated from their values by the "=" character
were sometimes not working correctly when followed by the ":" character.

Version 16.30B

PRINT was still sometimes failing on certain systems (since 16.30A only).

Version 16.30C

ENTER PM command DECKEdge (component) optional parameter was added to
affect only the specified component, instead of all displacer components whose
names begin with HULL when no component is given (requires updated PM.EXE).

Load Editor Sounding (or Ullage) column changes were not showing correctly in
Condition Graphics until the cursor left the Sounding column (since 16.30 only;
requires updated CG.EXE).

Version 16.32

SEAkeeping /DATA parameter added optional STats subparameter to create
a CSV data file named STATS.DAT that includes the position, velocity, and
acceleration response statistics for each critical point and mode.

Load Editor loading by sounding while keeping the cursor in the Sounding column
now shows fixed sounding entered into earlier rows with black foreground color
(matching the input cursor foreground color) instead of green reverse video
(since 16.30 only).

TEMPLATE dialog zooming was sometimes misformatting excess space around fields.

ENTER PM commands were sometimes not working correctly with quoted part names
containing lowercase characters (since 15.26C only; requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.32A

RA /LIM was hanging in rare discontinuity cases (since 14.62D only).

ENTER PM command MODIFY statements FIT and JOIN were not deducting
the component being modified regardless of the sign of its permeability factor
(requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.34

SEAkeeping reports were fully redesigned with improved RAO/Phase tables
and plots, improved Statistics tables, case and point-specific information in
all table headers, and case-specific or overall Summary table options.

SEAkeeping now uses a fully-redesigned solving engine with a dramatically
improved theoretical formulation, improved solving time on most cases,
and expanded capability to run on all heel angles, with trim angles extended
to 45 degrees (note theoretical implications still apply at higher angles).

SEAkeeping /HEAD:h1,... and /SPEED:s1,... parameters now support multiple
headings (in degrees) and speeds (in knots) tabulated within a single command.

SEAkeeping /[CASE]SUMmary: [PERZUC] [PERMAX] [RMS] [AVE] [AVE10]
[SIG] [MAX100] [MAX1000] [MAX10000] [EXTR] parameter syntax replaced
old /SUM subparameters (which now trap an error referring to the new syntax).
As before, the report is concluded with the specified response summary tables.
If no subparameters are present, RMS values will be displayed.  If multiple
cases are present (i.e. multiple headings or speeds) the concluding summary
table will display the maximum response values over all cases.  If /CASESUM
is used, a case-specific summary table will also be included at the end of each
case.  The EXTR subparameter requires the use of the /CONF parameter.

[SIG] [MAX100] [MAX1000] [MAX10000] [EXTR] [SHWP] [SHWN] [MSI]
[SLAMP] [SLAMN] parameter was added to include a concluding polar plot
for the specified response identifiers (requiring at least two wave headings).

SEAkeeping /RESPonse: [Position] [Velocity] [Acceleration] parameter was
added to limit report and data file output to only the specified responses.
If omitted, all responses are included.

SEAkeeping /NOPlot parameter was added to omit all plots from the report.

SEAkeeping /COUPle parameter was added to fully couple all modes in the
equation of motion, including all 36 hydrodynamic coefficients and generalized
mass and stiffness matrices.  If omitted, the default partially-coupled method
couples the vertical modes (1,3,5) and the horizontal modes (2,4,6) separately.

SEAkeeping /UNCOUPle parameter was added to fully uncouple all modes in
the equation of motion.

SEAkeeping /DATA files were improved by prefixing "SK[case#]-" before the
filenames for easier sorting, including case-specific information within the
header line, giving all 36 added mass and damping coefficients along with all
potentially non-zero stiffness coefficients in HYDROS data, and reorganizing
RESPONSE data to give all RAOs and phase angles instead of redundant
response amplitudes.

SEAkeeping /SLAM was using incorrect units when using the basic method to
compute "k1" values (since 16.22 only).

SEAkeeping /BF parameter now defaults to Ls/8 where Ls=bs if bs<hs, else
Ls=hs, where bs is section width (not waterline) and hs is section height.

Version 16.34A

LOAD STATUS and TSOUND system variable were sometimes showing excessive
sounding values in rare cases when tubes extended above fully-loaded tanks.

Version 16.34B

WAVE (SPEctra) J2 no longer uses the ITTC-1984 standard, instead matching
the JONSWAP wave spectrum form for J1 but using period and significant wave
height as input parameters.

TEMPLATE dialogs were sometimes truncating or excessively spacing around
boldface fields.

Version 16.34C

PRINT /PREVIEW right-click Print option was sometimes malfunctioning
when slash parameters like /FONT were included on the PRINT command line
(since 15.38C only; requires updated PP.EXE).

ENTER PM command MARGIN was ineffective (since 16.30C only; requires updated

Version 16.36

SEA LIMit [(n)] limit [,mode, response] <|> minmax command was added to
define dynamic limits, so subsequest seakeeping analysis will include a
polar plot for each limit evaluated.  If (n) is omitted (for 1<=n<=10), the
first available unassigned limit number is used.  Available limit types are:
MAX10000, EXTR, SHWP, SHWN, MSI, SLAMP, SLAMN.  Available modes are:
SURge, SWAy, HEAve, RELheave, ROLl, PITch, YAW.  Available responses are:
Position, Velocity, Acceleration.  Note no mode or response is required for the
derived limit types SHWP, SHWN, MSI, SLAMP, and SLAMN.  The minimum or
maximum limit value depending on whether ">" or "<" comparison is specified,
with units depending on any response; accelerations allow "g" unit suffix
(requires updated PP.EXE).

SEA LIMit [(n)] OFF was added to delete the nth limit, or all seakeeping
limits if (n) is omitted.

SEA LIMit [(n)] was added to display one or all limits to the screen.

SEAkeep /[CASE]SUM now returns absolute response amplitudes when sinusoidal
or single-component wave ranges are used.

SEAkeep /POLAR now plots absolute response amplitudes over all wave headings
when sinusoidal or single-component wave ranges are used.

SEAkeep /SUMmary overall summary table is now included even for runs with
only a single case.

SEAkeep /DATA files heading and speed information are now separated by
commas to make parsing this information easier.

Version 16.36A

SEA LIMIT plot style was enhanced to show all passing and failing cases
simultaneously (requires updated PP.EXE).

Version 16.36B

SEAkeeping RAO/phase plots had an unwanted box artifact (since 16.36A only).

Version 16.36C

LEw right-clicking the Contents column added function key options for tanks
whose descriptions begin with a list of "/" separated contents abbreviations.
These abbreviations are now indicated by the capitalized letters of contents
descriptions listed in the Contents right-click "Change substance" submenu.

TLCF and TTCF system variable access was trapping a run-time error (since
16.28A only).

Version 16.38

SEAkeep LIMit COMBine n1, n2,...  was added to define a combined limit
for multiple dynamic limits by specifying the limit numbers to combine
(e.g. SEA LIM (3) COMB 1,2).

SEAkeep /SHW and /MSI parameters may now be followed by an optional
subparameter list of Critical Point numbers; if omitted, then all seakeeping
points specified by the /CRTpt parameter are included in the computations.
The old /SHW:l,t,v and /MSI:l,t,v coordinate syntax is no longer supported.

READ was sometimes disrupting existing DISPLAY STATUS /SYNC interactions.

Load Editor was restricting Contents column changes for tank descriptions
that begin with one or more contents abbreviations separated by "/", but this
should only have been effective for the predefined abbreviations listed in
the CONTENTS command documentation, which is now the case unless content
abbreviations that start a tank description end with a colon (":").

ENTER PM command CREATE statement COMPONENT was sometimes incorrectly
trapping "Shape already specified" when the same component name had already
been used on either side of any other part (requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.38A

COMP /EFF now supports effectiveness values up to 1.1 to match the EFF
statement in Part Maker.

DISPLAY STATUS body views were sometimes showing spurious waterlines for
underwater portside flooded tanks (requires updated CG.EXE).

DISPLAY STATUS was not treating waves properly for DAMAGED type tanks.

Version 16.38B

HEIGHT /WAVe parameter was added to set or access a Critical Point height
respecting any wave that is present.

HEIGHT command now uses the lower height on either side of the vessel for
symmetrical Critical Points.

SAVE and WRITE commands now write any HMMT functions previously specified
at different AXIS angles, so these heeling moments can later be restored or
interpolated as the axis is changed.

HMMT WIND was being ignored if any non-WIND HMMT data had been specified
at different AXIS angles without intervening HMMT OFF (since 10.36 only).

TANK report with no parameters was omitting DECK and FLOODED PLUS type tanks.

Version 16.38C

SEAkeep /MIRror parameter was added to mirror polar plot data across the
0 to 180 degree longitudinal axis.

WAVE (SPEctra) J2 was returning incorrect ordinate values for certain input
parameters and showing the wrong spectral type identifier on print output.

TORQUE was sometimes needlessly trapping "Too many weight density points".

Version 16.40

TORQUE /PLOT:OFF parameter was added to omit the plot, and /PLOT:LINear
parameter was added to use straight lines between points on all curves.

PRINT was sometimes trapping a run-time error for reports that show the
vessel /PROFILE or /PLAN on plots.

DISPLAY STATUS body views were sometimes incorrectly coloring above
the internal waterline for tanks with multiple disconnected lobes (requires
updated CG.EXE).

Version 16.40A

LOAD [WE|VO:] *-n /SEQ[:minload] subparameter was added to ensure that
each tank is reduced to no less than minload fraction (default=0) in sequence
backwards from the end of the list until load decrement n is achieved.  Note
that for all other forms of LOAD /SEQ, this subparameter serves as the maxload
(default=1) beyond which tanks may not be overfilled, which was previously
ignored for negative /SEQ loading.

Main programs and auxiliary programs zoom in and out when pressing the Ctrl
key with "+" or "-" the same as in TEMPLATE dialog boxes, matching zooming
that already happened with Ctrl mouse wheeling and moving fingers apart or
together on a touch screen (requires updated CG.EXE, PM.EXE, PP.EXE, etc.).

Version 16.40B

SEAkeep now reports computed wave spectrum variance and significant wave
height for all sampled wave spectra.

SEAkeep /SUMmary now shows the corresponding case number where found below
each maximum response value in the summary (requires updated RGSTYLE.DAT).

WAVE (SPEctra) P2 hsig was added to allow specification of Pierson-Moskowitz
spectrum using significant wave height input.

WAVE (SPEctra) DATA was incorrectly converting data points when using metric
input data.

Version 16.40C

TORQUE /NOTABLE :PLOT[ONLY] subparameter was added to include plots with
the /NOTABLE parameter; the summary is shown unless PLOTONLY is used.

DISPLAY now shows deck edge lines in cyan color instead of brown, which
also show up better in DISPLAY PRINT (requires updated SE.EXE and PM.EXE).

ENTER PM command MARK (list) [KNUckles] [CHINEs] [SHOW] [OFF]
[CLEAR] [STATus] [USED] [RANGE] was added to mark line codes (other
than deck-edge) on listed parts or components; when the same mark occurs on
a series of points across consecutive stations, they represent a longitudinal
line.  KNUCKLE analyses the shape, applies knuckle codes, and identifies
chines if the CHINE parameter appears as well.  SHOW sets the switch causing
visible lines to be drawn through like marks; it also causes the marks to be
included in the Geometry File when written.  OFF removes all but deck-edge
marks.  CLEAR removes all marks and sets the indicator that marking has been
done, preventing future line-code marking except by the DECKEDGE command;
note that rendering, rotating, and fitting will not work optimally until
permission to generate line codes has been restored using OFF.  STATUS shows
mark indicators.  USED shows which codes are present.  RANGE shows station
ranges.  Supported line codes include not only "DK" (deck edge point mark)
but also "IO" (inboard or port edge), "OE" (outboard or starboard edge),
"C" (chine), "CL" (lower chine), "CU" (upper chine), "CI" (inboard chine),
"Kn" (generic knuckle for integer n from 1 to 25), and "F" (fair).

ENTER PM command DECKEDGE applies to all locations if none are specified,
This will override any deck-edge markings generated by the MARGIN statement,
and also generate other line codes for chines and edges unless the ONLY keyword
is included.  A subsequent MARGIN statement makes no change to the deck-edge
marking if it already exists.

Version 16.42

LIMIT RISE FROM angle1 TO angle2 [OR angle3] > rise now supports an optional
third angle to calculate the rise to the lesser of two terminating angles.

LOAD command no longer turns off any delta Wgt shown in the header.

SCREEN COMMAND no longer discards any old screen output below the new Display
area, instead scrolling it up as necessary.

Version 16.42A

MAXVCG was not working correctly with LIMIT RISE using two terminating angles
(since 16.42 only).

ENTER PM command MARK was not always working correctly (since 16.40C only).

ENTER PM command SE was sometimes ignoring clicks to the title bar close box
(requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.42B

ENTER PM statement FIT was sometimes trapping a run-time error (since 16.42
only; requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.42C

SEAkeep /PERiod parameter was added to plot all seakeeping output RAO plots
over wave period instead of default wave frequency.

ENTER PM command MODIFY part\component was matching the first part
containing the specified component even if not having the correct part name.
Also command MODIFY component was not trapping "Ambiguous component" if
multiple parts contained the specified component (requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.44

MAXRRAH system variable sometimes trapped the spurious error "Failed to find
next res max arm angle".  This fix may also improve solving for AXIS MINRE

PRINT plot curves sometimes had kinks where ANGLES increments changed
(requires updated PP.EXE).

WRITE (LINE) file "text now correctly handles any internal quote marks during
variable substitution within the text line in the same way as MESSAGE "text.

ENTER PMX improved ROTATE for cylinders (requires updated PMX.EXE).

Version 16.44A

STATUS SUMMARY and STATUS GROUND were sometimes unnecessarily showing
ground points having zero reaction force.  Note ST GR:ALL subparameter can
be used to show all ground points, while ST GR:BRIEF shows ground points as
grouped in the SUMMARY section according to matching capitalized whole words
in descriptions and lumping into Misc. Reaction if below 1% total fixed weight.

SEAkeep /POLAR was sometimes omitting rotational acceleration polar plots
(since 16.34 only).

SEAkeep reports now include the COUPLE parameter setting (including default)
in the initial summary portion of the report.

SEAkeep now more effectively traps a "Runaway mesh refinement" error
(previously trapped as "Too many points") for runaway meshing logic when
poorly defined geometry files are  used.

DISPLAY STATUS plan views were not treating waves properly for FLOODED
and DAMAGED type tanks (requires updated CG.EXE).

ENTER PM statement FIT was sometimes not closing stations on off-centerline
shapes (requires updated PM.EXE).

Version 16.44B

RA and MAXVCG macros that made fixed weight changes were sometimes causing
inconsistent weight totals and CGs.

ENTER PM command DECKEDGE and SE deck edge marking was sometimes getting
lost when merging with a knuckle (since 16.40C only; requires updated PM.EXE
and SE.EXE).

Version 16.44C

MESSAGE PLOTSTART /POLAR supports negative radius values in polar plots
(requires updated PP.EXE).

Version 16.44D

MESSAGE PLOTSTART now plots tiny vertical ranges in a larger scale.

Version 16.44E

CHANGE "description", * /COLOR:n specifies the color of the description text
in Load Editor for the specified weight item or ground point by giving a color
number from 1 to 15 (as defined for the MESSAGE command).  These colors
can also be changed in Load Editor by right-clicking the Weight Description or
Ground Point Description column and selecting from the "Change color" list.

Version 16.46

SEAkeep now automatically includes non-wave-related hull eddy, friction,
and lift damping components, unless the new /NODAMP parameter is included
to omit automatic non-wave-related hull damping terms.

SEAkeep /ROLLCOEF:b1[,b2[,b3]] parameter was added to allow input of
additional linear, second, and/or third-order roll damping coefficients as
derived from model testing.  Specified coefficients will override any non-wave
numerical roll damping terms to that order.  Coefficients may be omitted (and
numerical terms retained) by using * in place of the coefficient.  Coefficients
are dimensional and must be given using current weight units (WU) and length
units (LU) with b1 in WU-LU^2/s, b2 in WU-LU^2, and b3 in WU-LU^2-s.

SEAkeep /BILGEKEEL:part[\component],... parameter was added to specify
a list of bilge keel appendage(s) to include in the seakeeping formulation.
Bilge keels must be modeled and included in the geometry file as components
separate from the main hull component (so not joined to the hull).  A component
name may end in an asterisk to include all components whose names have the
same beginning; if the component name is omitted, the first component of the
part is used for the appendage.

SEAkeep reports now include a Geometry Components table listing the hull and
any appendage components.

Load Editor first column descriptions are now colored black on the cursor row
and gray elsewhere by default in all modes, matching old Tanks mode coloring.
When different colors are specified by the CHANGE command or right-clicking
the Description column, they override default colors regardless of cursor row.

CHANGE *,* /COLOR:n specifies the color of the Description column text in
Load Editor for all weight items and ground points.  This command can be used
to establish a default color unaffected by cursor movement before making color
CHANGEs for specific items.

Version 16.48

MESSAGE PLOTSTART /POLAR now shows only an expanded quadrant plot
when all plot data degrees are in the same quadrant; to instead show the full
polar circle, offset an end angle by 360 degrees (requires updated PP.EXE).

GROUP - was added to display a report showing only miscellaneous tanks not
included in any group.

ENTER PMX subtraction operator was not always working properly in expressions
(requires updated PMX.EXE).

Version 16.48A & 16.50

PRINT /THICK dotted circles and negatively-sloped lines were sometimes
slightly distorted (requires updated PP.EXE).

ENTER PM command CREATE with DIAMETER statements was sometimes trapping
a run-time error (since 16.48 only; requires updated PM.EXE).

Copyright (C) 2018 Creative Systems, Inc.