BHS (Basic HydroStatics) is similar in many ways to GHS, being a derivative or "subset" of the larger program.

Program Capability Comparison BHS GHS
Hydrostatic properties
Curves of form
DB - Database
Cross curves of stability
Load condition status
Heeling and trimming moments
Wind heeling derivation
Righting arm curves and areas
(with fixed or varying trim)
Tank characteristics and soundings
Damage stability
Intermediate stages of flooding
Tank CG shifts
Automatic stability criterion evaluation
Maximum-VCG solving (optional module for BHS)
Part Maker
Load Editor
Condition Graphics
Hull Maker
Permeability changes
Added weights with polar coordinates (ideal for cranes)
Vessel deflection
Height-dependent buoyant forces for modeling grounding
Time-dependent fluid flow based on Bernoulli equation
Allowable value curves for shear and bending moment and torque
External pull and thrust forces
Twisting torque due to weight and buoyancy
Stability on waves
Change the axis of heel
IMO dynamic stability (2nd generation intact)
Longitudinal Strength
Floodable Lengths
Tank Soundings
Grain Shift
Tonnage calculation
Probabilistic damage assessment
Crane module
GHSCom module
Programming Interface
Sensor Interface
GLM Configuration Wizard

BHS produces high-quality reports with graphs and has the same wide recognition and acceptance as GHS. On the model-building side of the system, BHS comes with:

Some of the full-featured GHS optional modules are also available with BHS. These are, Since BHS includes many of the features of GHS, its price makes it a great value.
Copyright © 1997, Creative Systems, Inc.
Creative Systems, Inc.