Because it is fundamentally simulation-oriented, GHS is an excellent tool for answering the "what if" questions involved in salvage operations. And since it does not limit trim and heel angles, you can simulate any orientation in which you might find a distressed vessel - from upright to upside down to standing on end.
Several other features are also of special interest to the salvage engineer:
GHS provides a means of very rapidly constructing a hull model from a small amount of information. Even rough dimensions together with a general knowledge of the hull form are sufficient to produce a useful model. Weight estimates can then be obtained from the operating drafts. The ability to import hull models expressed in various data formats is also provided.
Damage limited by compartmentalization and damage in the form of hull deformations are readily simulated. Both types of damage can be present together and both can be nonsymmetrical. three modes of tank damage are provided, including pressure balancing for accurate oil outfolw calculations.
Since GHS computes the weights and centers of all contained fluids at any given vessel orientation, partially flooded spaces are accurately represented.
The locations and magnitudes of the forces exerted by the ground when a vessel is stranded is easily determined. GHS provides a very flexible and realistic ground reaction mechanism.
Damaged, flooded and grounded stability, and longitudinal strength calculations are easily and quickly obtained.
Downflooding points can be modeled and their heights above or below the water are readily obtained. Spilling of water on deck from a tank can also be calculated.
Tanks may be pressure-balanced at the point of damage, with vented or sealed tops. This allows accurate calculations of cargo loss when damaged.
Situations where a ship is combined with a dry dock or is being loaded onto a barge are easily modeled. Other complex structures such as floating drilling units and various pontoon structures are also readily handled.
In order to simplify the use of GHS in the field, menu systems can be built which directly address the various requirements of salvage work. A standard salvage-oriented menu system is provided.
Because GHS is general and extensible, other salvage-specific features can be added by building onto its basic facilities. The ability to make such additions is available to the user.
See also Salvage Package page.