Dynamic Stability
GHS-DS Optional Module

The General HydroStatics Dynamic Stability "DS" Module is a complete analysis solution for conducting dynamic stability evaluations according to IMO Second Generation Intact Stability guidelines. The module interfaces with the Advanced Features (AF) and SeaKeeping (SK) Modules to offer level 1 and level 2 support for all five dynamic failure modes: Dead Ship (DS), Excessive Acceleration (EA), Pure Loss of Stability (PL), Parametric Roll (PR), and Surf-riding/Broaching (SB). New and existing designs may be easily assessed for dynamic stability vulnerability using an intuitive and direct syntax via the DYNSTAB command.

Each failure mode is described below:
Implementation of the IMO Second Generation Intact Stability Guidelines
Abstract: This paper provides a discussion of the technical and theoretical ambiguities, requirements,and limitations to develop a practical implementation of the IMO Second Generation Intact Stability criteria.

Get Access to a Trial Version
If you are interested in testing the Dynamic Stability Module, contact sales to inquire about a temporary license. We will work with you to set up a trial period that meets your evaluation needs.

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