In case you are not familiar with onboard trim and stability software, here is a brief orientation ...

What is GLM? It's software that you install on your computer that tells you whether or not your vessel meets stability and/or strength standards.

GLM stands for GHS Load Monitor. GHS (General HydroStatics) is the software used by many naval architects for their stability calculations. GLM is actually a special version of GHS optimized for use by vessel operators. If you have a trim and stability book, GLM is the "electronic" version of it.

The big difference is that GLM is quick and easy to use with any loading condition. The T&S book shows only a few sample conditions and requires that you do some additional calculations by hand or some other means to get an accurate stability assessment of other conditions.

GLM is configured specially for each vessel on which it is used. Light ship and other particulars, the geometry of the ship and its tanks, etc. are built into the system. The process of configuring GLM for a particular vessel is carried out by a naval architect. Typically this is the naval architect who produces the trim and stability book, though it can be done by any naval architect at any time.

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