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Area between equilibrium and downflooding or the second intercept to be > 0.0025 (equ - 1) m-rad.
    `46 CFR 171.080 (f) (6) (iii) requires the area between equilibrium and
    `downflooding or the second intercept to be > 0.0025 (equ - 1) m-rad.
    `This variable area requirement can be calculated and used in the limit
    `definition.  Since the limit is static after the limit command has been
    `issued, it must be updated by the MXmacro for maximum VCG calculations.
    `The following run demonstrates how this can be done.
    `Download GF from:
    report /nograph
    crtpt = "Downflooding point" 70, 15, 15
    hmmt 2000
    type (cmpt1.s,cmpt2.s) = flood
    variable A,H  `temporary variable used by Macro lim
    macro lim
     limit (1) angle at EQU < 15              `f6iii
     limit (2) angle from EQU to RA0 > 20     `f6iiiA
     variable A,H
     set H = ABS {HEEL} minus 1
     set A = {H} times 0.0025                     `(area units in m-rad)
     if {A}<0.004 then set A=0.004                `minumum required area for this limit
     limit (3) area from EQU to RA0 or FLD > {A}  `6fiiiB
    angles 0 2
    MAXVCG 6,8,10 /trim:0/MXMACRO:LIM
    MAXVCG 6,8,10 /trim:0/MXMACRO:LIM /TOL:0.002
    print preview
    report off
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