Directory Management in GHS, BHS and BHS/Yacht

Note: Most of these features are available only in versions 6.52C and later.
Displays the current directory path on the screen.
Changes to the directory from which the program was originally started. Note: The program now returns to the Start directory after QUIT.
Changes to the directory in which the program is found.
    CHDIR d:\
Changes to the indicated drive.
Displays the paths to the following directories:

Start: Where the program was started.
Temp: Where temporary files are stored.
Key: Where the GHS.KEY file was found.
Program: Where the program files were found.

    PROJECT path
Switches to the directory indicated by the given path. If the directory does not exist, it is created. It also records path for future reference.

Note: path must contain at least one back slash (\).

This changes to the subdirectory 9705 within the master directory PROJECTS on drive C. It also records these directory paths in a special file (GHS.PRJ) so that the full path to the project directory need not be given in the future.

Special cases:

1) If path ends with a back slash, it is taken to be the path to the master directory only.

This changes to the given master directory and lists the existing project subdirectories to choose from.

2) If path begins with the only back slash, it is taken to be the project sub directory name only. The path to the master directory will be the same one established earlier; or, if none has been established, the current directory will be assumed as the master directory.

    PROJ \9705
Changes to subdirectory 9705 with in the previously-established master directory.

3) If path is only a back slash, the previously-established master directory and last-used project subdirectory are assumed.

    PROJ \
4) If path is omitted altogether, changes to the previously-established master directory and lists the project subdirectories to choose from.

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