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#9: Load Editor with Windows (LEw) custom hot buttons

In addition to all its standard features, it's easy to add any custom features to the Load Editor with Windows (LEw) control center. There are two main ways to do this. The simplest is to start LEw using the /MACRO parameter followed by a series of macro or template names:

LOAD EDIT ... /MACRO: macro1, macro2, ..., macroN

A macro button will appear in LEw below the CG and LS buttons; the button face will show the title or name of the first macro in the list. Clicking the button will execute the macro, with any display output appearing in the spreadsheet area. Right-clicking the button allows you to choose to execute any of the other macros or templates from the /MACRO list, with your choice becoming the new default appearing on the button face. The right-click list also shows keyboard shortcuts (Alt-1, Alt-2, etc.) for each macro.

A more powerful method is to design a tool bar of multiple buttons to appear on the left side of the LEw window. You do this using the /BUTTON parameter:

LOAD EDIT ... /BUTTON: tooltemplate

The tool bar template is defined using the TEMPLATE command, composed of a series of lines with fields in the following format:

[@] ["label"] [.macro] [/COLOR: cnum] [/BACKCOLOR: bnum]

Each template line corresponds to a row of toolbar buttons, with "|" separating multiple buttons on the same row. Multiple fields can be specified to share the same button, with only one visible at a time (starting with the first shared field) and others accessible by selection from a right-click list. A line with a single empty label "" creates a vertical gap between buttons, and a doubled "||" creates a horizontal gap.

Each button has an optional text "label"; if missing, the macro title or name is used. If "@" appears, then "label" is the file specification of a bitmap image file displayed on the button face.

Each button has an optional .macro action, which executes a macro or template when the button is pushed; if missing, an inactive grey label appears as a placeholder button.

Label text color and background button face color can be specified using /C and /B parameters with color numbers from 0 to 15 as defined for the MESSAGE command (0=black). Note that black text is used by default in place of the system button text color if /B is present.

If you have any questions or would like information about how to order the LEw module, contact support@ghsport.com.

Copyright (C) 2006 Creative Systems, Inc.