Does RAH /FSM change the equilibrium angle?
Question: The following gives conflicting results on equilibrium angle (the heel shown by \...{HEEL} is not the same as shown in the RA table). I am using a FSMFLOOR value and the model has a huge sail area. The error is 1.59°! How can I correct this?
HMMT Wind /Const Solve /FSM
\Equilibrium Angle = {HEEL} Degrees\
RA -5,0,5,...,60 /Limit /FSM
The RA command has to decide how to do the /FSM-CG adjustment. Without prior guidance, it applies it at the equilibrium angle w/o wind. "Prior guidance" can be done with the STATUS WEIGHT command. You can replace or supplement your \EQUILIBRIUM ANGLE = {HEEL} with STATUS WEIGHT:TOTAL which will show in more detail how the CG is modified by the FSM.      GHS remembers the heel angle used in that STATUS WEIGHT and lets RA know that you want the FSM adjustment done at that angle. The equilibrium angle shown by RA should then agree with the angle found by SOLVE.      You don't need /FSM on this type of SOLVE since the CG is raised perpendicular to the waterplane.

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